Cable & Tubing Solutions GmbH
Hinter der Schmiede 10
72401 Haigerloch
Telephone +49 (0) 7474 2782
Management Board: Rainer Grassinger, Luisa L. Grassinger
Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 744067
Ust-IdNr: DE287795509
Website concept, design, execution:
Cable & Tubing Solutions (Publisher & Editor)
Responsible for the content in compliance with § 10 MDStV (Federal Media Services Agreement)User Information / External Websites
The links to any content on third-party websites (third-party content) have been produced by the editors to the best of their knowledge and with the greatest possible care. Such links merely facilitate access to "third-party content". Particular attention is placed on the credibility and trustworthiness of third-party providers and on the lawfulness of "third-party content". However, since websites and their content are dynamic and can change at any time, it is not in always possible to constantly check all content on which a link is based. CTS has no influence on the "third-party content" of any websites linked with third parties and can accept no liability for such content. Responsibility for the content of linked websites lies exclusively with the respective provider or operator of the respective sites. Hence, the editors expressly make no claim to ownership of any "third-party content". Liability for damage caused by the use or non-use of websites lies exclusively with the provider or the respectively linked website. As soon as we learn of any violations of the law, they will remove such links forthwith.
Unless otherwise stated, all the pages of the website, in particular texts, images, graphics, audio, video and animation data files, are subject to copyright. Any reproduction, publication or other use of such pages, or of any parts of such pages, whether in electronic or printed form, including on the internet or for commercial purposes, is only permitted with the express prior consent of the publishers. This applies to all content, regardless of data format, and for all forms of copyright. Any automatic extraction, or extraction without specific relation to content, from the archives or databases of this website for the purpose of storing these is prohibited.
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